Happy Christmas to all,

Welcome to the December 2004-January 2005 edition of Sixteen Bits. I call it that, out of habit from doing the printed edition, and figures don't look really great on the front cover of a printed magazine. Should we upgrade our online edition's name to seventeen bits? Maybe something more in keeping with today's computers...

Thanks to LeighD for providing me with his first photo taken with his digital camera. It was taken during a meeting of coffee and chat around July or August.

On looking at the contents of the magazine, you will probably come to the correct opinion that I'm a collector of items provided by other people. I spend most of my time reading newsgroups, rather than browsing web pages.

Obviously, one of the group I read is about freeware applications. Others are the Paint Shop Pro forums. Therefore you'll probably read here, a lot of what I read and re-publish. Like the robot: "we need input".

If you use Internet Explorer as your browser, you won't notice anything much different about the magazine this month, but if you use Mozilla Firefox version .93 or 1.0 you'll see a very light blue background on each page. Last month's page background was light lemon. The backgrounds were not comprised of a graphic.

Now only reason I use Internet Explorer to browse web pages is if I want to use secure Javascript for online banking.

Thankyou to all contributors.

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