File of The Day

Below are two free files of the day

GrabCaptureScreen (Graphics)

GrabCaptureScreen is a full featured screen capture program that supports seven different capture modes, as well as fully automatic image saving. You can perform interactive captures, or simply use a keyboard hotkey to capture the area, window, or selection, and automatically save the file to a specified folder (with auto-numbering and prefix). GrabCaptureScreen supports the following capture modes: desktop, single (sub-) window, multi-monitor desktops, alternate monitor desktop, active window, rectangular area, and fixed rectangle. The captures can be saved in different formats, including GIF and JPEG with additional compression and resizing features. Overall, this a very well-designed screen capture tool, with excellent features and an easy-to-use interface.

[2201k] [Win98/2k/XP] [FREE] [SnapFiles]

Anarchy (Games)

Saving the world isn't an easy job, but someone has to do it. It wouldn't be so bad if you just had to do it occasionally, but we're repeatedly called upon to save mankind in all of the games that we play. Sometimes you just have to have some me time, you know? In Anarchy, you're required to destroy the enemy's entire ammunition stockpile with a tank. Isn't that really what dreams are made of?

The game requires you to do your work in an allotted time, and if you fail to do so, you'll go bye-bye. Along the way, you'll encounter various obstacles and enemies that will try to hinder your progress, just like in any other game. The game play is rather interesting, and the race against the clock will keep you on your toes. The levels are designed in such a way that you'll have to plan your moves before you make them. When you need a break from the hassles of the day, nothing helps quite like blowing stuff up -- virtually, of course.

[2.07M] [Win9x/2k/XP] [FREE]

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