Sixteen Bits August 2006

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PC Users Group (ACT) Inc
27 Mulley Street

Holder ACT  2611

Phone  02 6287 2922
Fax      02 6287 2933

Table of Contents (Click the link on the left)
Meeting Main Monthly Meeting September 2006
President From the President.
Editor's notes Editorial.
Meeting dates Meeting dates for 2005/2006.
Beginners Daytime SIG Daytime meeting for beginners
Geeklies Coffee and Chat for Geeklies - Philip Bell.
Backup strategy
Confession of one who doesn't know; and backup strategy, TerryB, and MikeB
Home Pages Pages that I recommend you print to paper, as well as save to your hard drive documents
Agent4.0 Agent 4 released - AllanM
Press Release 1 Two software press releases
Press Release 2
Free Software Applications and Games
Humour Heard any of these?
Computer Fairs Computer Fairs Calendar
Helpers PCUG Help Directory and handy links.

We hope you enjoy this edition of Sixteen Bits. We are always on the lookout for items for the next edition. If you have anything to contribute - please send it to The nominal cut-off date for submissions is the 15th of each month. All submissions are gratefully received. Please send us feedback as to what you might like to see published in your magazine.

For more news of events to come - don't forget to check the PCUGCalendar at:

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