Digital Camera Noise Removal

So what is the recommended photo fix-up work flow for 9, especially with the new features such as Digital Camera Noise Removal filter and other new photo filters? gives the best sequence for most photos and the reasons for it. To this, we can add the new features as explained earlier by Kris:


Do barrel, pincushion, or fisheye correction before cropping or distorting the image. They depend on the camera lens centre being in the centre of the image and the symmetry of their corrections.


DCNR can happen any time the noise is visible, but is best after any major lightness correction, so you can evaluate the noise while tweaking the filter. That is to say, brightening a dark image after noise removal might reveal some noise that you could not see earlier.


Similarly for chromatic aberration. Do it when the artifact is visible.


Fred Hiltz, fhiltz at yahoo dot com

C-Tech volunteer



I did a Google search to find some tutorials on using the PSP 9 DCNR filter and I could not find any. Do you know of any good references on working with the DCNR filter?


By the man who designed it:


Fred Hiltz, fhiltz at yahoo dot com

C-Tech volunteer



Steve H wrote:

> Fred Hiltz wrote:


>> gives the

>> best sequence for most photos and the reasons for it. To this we

>> can add the new features as explained earlier by Kris:


> Thanks for the RE. I am already familiar with this web page and

> I do NOT use the automatic features listed in this tutorial. I

> found them to offer less control than I wanted and often give

> undesirable results.


OK. The same reasoning applies to doing the corrections manually; that is to do color, lightness, and saturation in that order to minimize interactions.


Fred Hiltz, fhiltz at yahoo dot com

C-Tech volunteer