Anne Greiner

I have been a member of the group for ten years now. In 1997 I joined the Editorial team that produced Sixteen Bits (the original hardcopy one) and also joined the Committee, firstly as a committee member, then as Vice President, then as Acting President – a busy year. After that I spent several years as President of PCUG and five years as Managing Editor of Sixteen Bits, served as a member of the IPMC (Internet Project Management Committee), Main Meeting Organiser, Trainer and anything else necessary. I have been a trainer for the Group in MS Windows, Introduction to the Internet, Adobe PageMaker and PhotoShop­, MS Publisher and Word, all of which I have enjoyed immensely.

I feel that the PCUG is facing an era of change, and am concerned that we face the challenge head on and make it work for the group, and not allow it to sweep us away. To do this we need a dedicated and enthusiastic committee to direct these forces and optimise the outcomes.

As can be seen from our line-up, I believe we are such a group of like-minded souls this year, and I will do all I can to see that the group moves onward and becomes stronger, continuing what we do well, but applying a little lateral thinking so that we evolve with the rapidly changing IT world, rather than becoming extinct.

I am standing for the position of Secretary with the LMS team

Telephone     : (02) 6288 2810
Contact Hours : Any reasonable hour
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