Meeting 27 February 2001

There were 36 people present, among whom were two attending a C&C for
the first time: JohnH and RossS.

JohnS welcomed them and things started at 10am.

A list of subjects mentioned are below. Will those who have comments
and answers to the subject please send to my by end of Friday 2nd
March and I'll collate them to post by Sunday.

1. Picnic - GloriaR

2. Internet Boost - EmilJ

3. Where do viruses go - TedT

4. vcf; Publisher98 feasibility - RodB

5. html: Error saving web page - BobS

6. C&C white pages. The page of attendees was circulated among those
present and ticked off by people;
Canon printer and scanners, LPTs - JohnS

7. Last week, a and b; Funny printing - RodS

8. Password TIP - Kryn

9. TIP upgrade | Transact - AllanM

10. Bonzi Buddy was found in ElizabethW's registry by JohnS who
deleted it.

11. Scheduled tasks? - Eugen

12. Colour - Jeff

13. Web design - JohnA

During the meeting people were reminded that their membership of the
Irish Club will be due for renewal soon.

TedT and I left early because Ted had an appointment, so we missed out
on that all important item: The Joke.

This one's been sitting in my collection of about 60 pages for a few

>You know it's time for a diet when:
>· You dive into a swimming pool so your friends can go surfing.
>· You have to apply your makeup with a paint roller.
>· Weight Watchers demands your resignation.
>· You step on a pennyweight scale that gives you your fortune and it says, "One at a time please!"
>· Your face is so full that you look like you're wearing horn-rimmed contact lenses.
>· The bus driver asks you to sit on the other side because he wants to make a turn without flipping over.
>· You're at school in the classroom and turn around and erase the entire blackboard
>· They throw puffed rice at your wedding.
>· You hiccup in your bathing suit, and it looks like someone adjusting a venetian blind.
>· You fall down and try to get up, and in the process rock yourself to sleep. 


      BACKBITE, v.t. To speak of a man as you find him 
      when he can't find you. - Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary

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