Meeting 5 May 1998


Minutes of C&C Meeting 5 May 1998

Co-ordinator John welcomed all 35 attendees, including newcomers Greg,
Jeannette, Margaret, Colin and Don.  John noted that Allan runs an Internet
Special Interest Group at 10h. on alternate Mondays, of particular use to
newcomers (next meeting 11 May).  

He also thanked Rufus Garcia who had brought some quality carpet to the
meeting to offer members free offcuts.   

Gloria reported that Derrick Boyd is still in Calvary Hospital, and that
telephone calls (but not visits) are permitted and welcome.

John reminded members attending the Midwinter Lunch, 26 May at the Yacht
Club, to give their names to Wolf, and that payment was due at the latest
by 19 May. 

Wolf announced that, thanks to David Schwab's help, the PCUG Centre now has
a 5¼ drive available for members who want to use historic floppies.

The Group decided to offer Petra an arrangement of dried flowers to
beautify the work-space.

1.	DNS problem

Tony installed the TIP starter kit but it will not run NS or IE, despite
double-checking.  The Group diagnosed a DNS problem with the way the host
name is expressed in Winsock.  The DNS host refers to a dictionary located
within the server and comprised of numbers; thus access can only be via
numbers.  Emil demonstrated the principle after the meeting.

2.	Mailexcite web-based mail

Tony cannot get the POP directory in Mailexcite to transmit PCUG mail as
well as Mailexcite mail, though the former service is supposed to be
available free.  The Group concluded that maybe the transfer service is not
free after all; and/or, even if it is free, it may not work because PCUG's
anti-spammer checks could inhibit transfer of mail to Mailexcite.

3.	Adobe Photoshop photo enhancing

Bob has turned a tiny heirloom photograph that had been folded into four
and badly damaged, into a large, fine coloured print, using Adobe
Photoshop, a Microtech flatbed scanner and an HP 850C.  The job took 12
hours, including three to four hours rectifying errors.  Bob noted that the
"Tips and Help" facility of APS is very useful.

4.	Extra benefits/disbenefits of W98

When Roger's primary drive lost a cluster, W98 beta version was able to
detect the fault, warn him, and retrieve the cluster.  John noted that W98
will verify and restore system files, and allows choice of default browser.
 Chess warned that his W98 crashes at least twice a day.

5.	Paintshop Pro

Peter has acquired Paintshop Pro version 5 as a free follow-on to his
earlier purchase of version four.  Version five, which can also be
downloaded from the Net as trialware, is an excellent program.  Paintshop
Pro 5 supports layers, similar to Adobe photoshop.  He has also received a
free copy of Animation Shop which comes with Paintshop Pro 5.  This program
allows you to create animations to use in web pages.

6.	Most economical second telephone line

Peter asked for advice on the cheapest way to acquire a second phone line. 
We heard that last year Telstra made a two-month special offer of a second
line for half price; also that you can get a second number (not an extra
line) for $4 a month.  In this case you cannot use both numbers at the same
time, though a buffer is available for a few dollars per month, to wait fax
calls and transmit them when the voice call is finished.

Members noted that you could acquire up to four numbers for the one line,
each with a distinctive ring.  However, the effectiveness of this depended
on using the AUSTEL-approved standard.  Jim noted that some Canberra
exchanges have "run out of numbers" – which really means that Telstra has
run out of hardware to supply the numbers.

7.	Non-recognition of floppy drive

Though Trevor's CMOS and DOS were correct, W95 did not recognise his floppy
drive.  The answer was to remove the hardware through device manager and
then add it back; or to delete and reboot.

7.	Are we paying Telstra double (or more) to get into TIP?

Gloria raised the question of whether the user pays when Internet
connection is unobtainable through the ISP, after the call has successfully
negotiated the Telstra exchange.  This can happen if Telstra's system says
that some of the ISP's lines are still free, but the ISP's system says they
are not.  The answer seems to be that you pay, but that Telstra is not
admitting it.  For example, Anne's local call bill from Telstra was $99
above average for her first two months of Internet use.  So check your
phone bills; and count the seconds before the dial tone begins – if there
is silence for five seconds, quickly hang up.

Gloria asked what could be done to ensure people being connected to the Net
by a helper, do not pay for extra calls as part of the test.  A dummy fax
can be sent to Telstra, or you can use Bigpond, which is never engaged.

Ted noted that his Maestro modem ($99) tells him the quality of the line
every time.

8.	CD Burner and DVDs

The PCUG CD burner is now available to copy CDs.  Instructions for the most
common usages are on display.  Users who want to perform more complex
operations should consult the manual.

CD ROMs have been superseded by digital versatile disks – DVDs.  However,
DVDs won't do for Flight Simulator, as DVDs, unlike CDs, are unable to
speed up and slow down.

JL 5/5/98 900

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