The Beginners SIG (Special Interest Group)

This is one of several SIGs conducted within the PCUG, and is probably one of the more important ones for PC novices. It has been running for 5 years and was previously called the Night Time Internet SIG.

Meetings are held on the on the last Tuesday of every month - except December - at the PCUG Centre from 7-9pm

It is designed for both newcomers to computing and old timers who have computer questions they would like to ask but don't know how to
find the answer, and is essentially very basic in presentation. Visitors will always feel comfortable in the small group sessions. It supplements the Coffee and Chat SIG that has grown to the extent that it can can tend to be a bit intimidating for all but the brave. Although, that is not the intention.

Topics covered include:
You have the opportunity to ask any silly questions - we will try to answer them for you or we will try and help you out.

You don't need to have experience; just come along with your questions and learn some computer shortcuts.

Please contact Gordon Urquhart - 02 6254 5480 or
Marion van Wely 6258 8750 for more information.

Gordon Urquhart